Hold On
Josh Smith, Mansoor Ali, Marek Ranis, Satellite Bureau, Stuart Keeler
June 1 to July 3, 2011
Preview: June 1, 2011
Location: Gallery Maskara
r of works
Waterline, 2011
Wood, fish line, digital print(GPS imaging by NCEAS)
18 x 24 x 9 feet
There is a sense of there being two local areas, the port of objects and materials and the virtual port of digital information about shipping activity, webcams, ledgers, world trade, international connections. A material port and a data port in a sense - the place exists as both at the same time. At a distance we can only access the digital version, but on site perhaps mostly the material.
In keeping with the curatorial theme of thresholds, edges, our idea is to look more specifically at the locality of the gallery in relation to shipping yards of Maharashtra and the shipping industry as the vehicle for metaphor. The threshold that is investigated focusses on the ocean edge, further to this we imagine incorporating logged GPS shipping routes departing the region as a way to map lines made back and forth across the oceans, we are currently looking at the software used to extract this information as a starting point from which to also create a series of drawings/ prints in dialogue with the site specific installation.